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March 25, 2011


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My max kipping pull-ups: 40-ish - Strict:...... 12! LOL! Lame!!! Great post and video!!! Strict strength can't hurt when performing efficient movements. Thanks for the coaching today!!!

I have always felt that if you can kip but you can't do strict pull ups...something is wrong with that picture. I think you need to do both since kipping can be faster in a WOD, especially Fran. But strict pull ups will make you strong enough to do kipping..I doubt it is the other way around. I used to do that Recon Ron pull up program which were strict dead hangs. That helped me get strong in pull ups.

Btw, Freddy, today's (Friday's) WOD was cool, except we talked about maybe the shuttle runs should be counted as well so that if you wanted to game it by not going very hard it was noticeable. Just a suggestion, maybe?

I watched Maria and Brad do strict pullups on Monday. They would kick my sorry ass into next week! Maria and Brad are BAD-ASS!!! :)

I did strict pull ups with Brad on Monday. He kicked my sorry ass into next week!!
Brad is BAD-ASS!!!

I'm ok at strict pullups, but I can't figure out how to preserve my momentum to the second kipping pullup.

Spot of Freddy. If every week you are progressively doing squats, deadlift, and chin ups then you will make good progress. I tend to look at kipping/butterfly pull ups and muscle ups as more of conditioning work once you get to a certain level of strength.

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