Way to go Chyna Cho! Chyna fought through the humidity and managed to pull off a 3rd place finish at Summer Crush. It was a FANTASTIC event and Chyna and I both made a lot of new friends. Big kudos to Formulx for inviting Chyna out to Miami to play with a bunch of badasses!
The top three from left to right: 3rd Place- Noah Ohlsen/Chyna Cho. 2nd Place- Michelle Kinney/Ryan Fischer. 1st Place- Andrea Ager/Brandon Phillips.
Big kudos to all of you for a great performance over the entire weekend!
WORKOUT 8/21/2012
- 5 x 3 deadlift
"Medium" Conditioning. Goal is less than 14 minutes
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
- 3 rope climbs
- 9 handstand push-ups
- 12 hang power ceans (M:135#/W:95#)
- 18 kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls (M:53#/W:35#)
Check out the video of Chyna's last workout at the 2012 Summer Crush Games. The workout was 20 pistols/100 double unders/30 power snatches @ 95#. She had to wear a 12# vest for the entire workout. You put the vest on AFTER the clock started. (For some reason the girl behind started with her vest on.) Chyna had trouble getting the vest on. It took her 32 seconds to get it secured and started on the pistols. Chyna ended up in 5th place with the difference from 1st place being 24 seconds. It really wouldn't have mattered much in the overall standings, but I was bummed because I really wanted her to get a 1st place finish in this workout. Lessons learned about weight vests!