If you were wondering why Ryan was missing for a few weeks in July.....
"Dear Freddy,
Peru is an awesome country that is very diverse. I’ve spent the past two weeks back packing in the Andes seeing numerous ancient sites, cities, and temples. The people are very welcoming, polite, and friendly… and the food is awesome!!
However, the terrain here is BRUTAL. The air is very thin in the mountains…so much so after only a few steps most everyone is having difficulty breathing (at one point we were up over 16,000 feet above sea level). The temperature drops below freezing at night and gets very warm by mid day.
The tour requires a lot of hiking up very steep terrain including parts of the Inca Trail. Perhaps the most astounding part is how these cities were built with little to no tools and assembled on the tops of mountains.
After a few days here our tour group dropped into the Amazon rainforest and spent a few days hiking through the jungle where we met with an indigenous tribe. They took us piranha fishing and shared several of their customary (pre Inca) ceremonies.
Very cool spot to visit for the adventure seeker…
All the best to you and the One World Family.
P.S. Had to represent with the One World Shirt as I sweated my butt off hiking up that mountain to reach Machu Picchu. GBO!!"
The Sunday group session is at 10 am this week instead of the usual 12 pm time.
WORKOUT 8/5/2012
Sunday is Coach's Choice. Cheryl's gone so I get to coach again. YAY! I've had this workout bouncing around in my head for awhile now. It's a workout I would program as the final workout of a competition, but I like it as a group session workout because it is scaleable and doesn't take a lot of gear and space. Plus, it fits into our current programming perfectly. You folks who did 31 Heroes (not my programming...lol) are probably going to need a day or two off. Anyone else going to show up at 10 am to give it a try???
"Minute By Minute"
Perform the following in order:
- 5 minutes to determine1 RM hang power snatch
- Rest 1 minute
- 1 minute max box jumps (M:24"/W:20")
- Rest 1 minute
- 1 minute max pull-ups
- Rest 1 minute
- 1 minute max pistols (alternating legs)
- Rest 1 minute
- 1 minute max handstand push-ups
- Rest 1 minute
- 1 minute max double unders
- Rest 1 minute
- 5 minutes to determine max hang power clean.
Add weight of both lifts and total reps from all movements to determine your score. For the weightlifting movements, the bar can be loaded with your first attempt before the clock starts.
NOTE: All the normal scaling for this workout, so don't be afraid to come in and try it even if you can't do one or more of the movements.