How do you stay in CrossFit for the long run? In the years that CrossFit One World has been an affiliate, we've literally seen hundreds of faces come and go. In tonight's installment of At The Whiteboard, One World co-owner, Brad Medeiros, talks about longevity.
Just an early heads up for everyone. There will be no CrossFit Team Workout Session on Saturday. Open gym is still a go!
WORKOUT 10/29/2013
- 4 x 2 hang power clean
- 4 x 1 power clean
Complete the following for time:
Buy in: 500m row then 50 double under (100 singles)
Then 5 rounds of:
- 5 shoulder to overhead (M:135#/W:95#)
- 10 lateral jump burpees over the bar
Buy out: 50 double unders then 500m row
The bar starts on the floor, so minimally, you will have to perform one clean per round to get the bar to your shoulders. No racks! When performing the lateral jump burpee, you do not have to stand completely upright before you jump over the bar, BUT both feet must leave the ground at the same time and land on the ground at the same time. No stepping over the bar. You can start one group three minutes after the second group if the session has over 11 participants.
Excellent whiteboard topic. Thanks Brad and Freddy. Dealing with longevity more and more.
Posted by: Wayne | October 30, 2013 at 06:59