I can't believe I was three months behind in updating the Wall of Fame. You can click on any pic to see a larger view.
So many changes in three months! You people keep PR'ing and make updating the Wall of Fame such a pain in the ass! I love and hate you all. HAHA!
WORKOUT 12/4/2013
- 4x2 hang power snatch or snatch
- 4x2 power snatch or snatch
Complete three rounds of:
- 60 seconds to do three power snatch (115#/85#) and max reps American kettlebell swings (as heavy as possible)
- Rest 30 seconds
- 75 seconds to do four power snatch and max reps American kettlebell swings
- Rest 60 seconds
- 90 seconds to do five power snatch and max reps American kettlebell swings
- Rest 120 seconds
Score is total kettlebell swings for all three rounds.