The Wall of Fame is screaming at you all to mix it up! Who will be the second woman to pull 2K under 8 minutes? Can another man who is not 6' tall crack the top 5? GO FOR IT!!
The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat!
Sorry I forgot to post this earlier. We now offer a Yoga session at 8 am on Sundays. Free to all One World members. ENJOY!!!
WORKOUT 1/31/2014
After a sufficient warm up.....
- 12 minutes to find max snatch movement
- 12 minutes to find max clean and jerk movement
After a warm up period determined by the coach, strip your bar. Clock starts with an empty bar. You have 12 minutes to perform your best lift out of the following choices: snatch, power snatch, hang snatch or hang power snatch. The clock continues for the following 12 minutes to perform your best lift of the following choices: clean and jerk, power clean and jerk, hang clean and jerk or hang power clean and jerk. You are performing the movement you are most comfortable with. We are looking for good lifts and not sloppy ass CrossFit shit. Your coach will be the judge. Post your two lift weights and total weight, for example: 175/225=400.
If you are new, spend 12 minutes working on a hang power snatch and 12 minutes working on a hang power clean (no jerk).
- Before you leave the gym, Row 2000m for time.
8 WEEK WEIGHTLIFTING CYCLE by Catalyst Athletics
Day 26 (Friday)- REST DAY!
Day 27 (Saturday)-
- Snatch - 65%x2, 70%x2x2, 75%x1x2, 80%x1x3
- Clean & Jerk - 65%x2+1, 70%x2+1x2, 75%x1+1x2, 80%x1+1x3
- Back Squat - 75% x 2 x 4
Day 28 (Sunday)- REST DAY