Congrats to Art and Big Dave, the two newest members of the 400# squat club. I had an interesting conversation with Dave about the milestone. Dave started at One World about two years ago. When I first had him squat to below parallel, he thought it was impossible to do. His first max effort squat at One World that passed below parallel was a whopping 135#. Less than two years later (with time off for his paddling season), Big Dave is squatting a legit 405#. That's badass!!!
Many of you may be concerned that you missed the max effort squat or deadlift day. NO WORRIES! When we do max effort week, You will have a second opportunity to max effort on Thursday. Everyone else will get deload work.
WORKOUT 1/29/2014
- 1 rep max strict press
What was your three day CrossFit Total (squat/deadlift/press)???
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
- 7 strict press (M:95#/W:65#)
- 7 air squats
- 7 push press (M:95#/W:65#)
- 7 jumping air squats
- 7 push jerks (M:95#/W:65#)
- 7 star jumps
8 WEEK WEIGHTLIFTING CYCLE by Catalyst Athletics
Day 24-
- Clean & Jerk - 60% x 2+1, 65% x 2+1 x 2, 70% x 2+1 x 3
- Clean Pull - 90% (of cln) x 2 x 2, 95% x 2 x 2
- Front Squat - 70% x 2 x 5
Posted by: CHYNA CHO | January 29, 2014 at 11:10