No better place to be after a workout when it's 90 degrees outside. While we are in this heatwave, DON'T FORGET TO HYDRATE! Several people cramped toward the end of Tueday night's competitor training session. Skip the water and go for some Gatorade or something else with electrolytes. You can turn on the AC in your car on the way home.....
WORKOUT 5/2/2014
- 5 x 3 back squat
- 5 x 3 strict press
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
- 8 handstand push-ups
- 10 pull-ups
- 20 double unders
- 100m run
The last day of "The Matrix." Let me know about your results. I know Paulina PR'd her front squat by 23# and Art PR'd his front squat by 50#. WOW!!! We will take one week off and tehn I will post a new strength cycle. Get ready!!!
"The Matrix" by John Welbourn of CrossFit Football & Power Athlete HQ
Day 61:
- Power Snatch- 1 rep max
- Jerk (any variation)- 1 rep max