Crossfit of Fremont


June 26, 2009


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wow this information is very useful, because I can't go to the gym, but in my house I have all the equipment necessary, so I can do this excercise in my own home

I do exercise everyday on mornings, but I don't do it for fashion I do it for healthy and I do not want muscles :S
I do what my personal trainer call vertical program to maintain a slim figure, and I try to teach this to my classroom everyday, don't do exercise for vanity do It because it's healthy is for ur own good.

How does writing, art, music, poetry and drama help children with verbal communication?
I have to do research how writing, art, music, poetry and dram help children with speaking (verbal communication). I already have a few for music, poetry and art but I'm clueless with the rest. Please, I would like to know how the rest help kids with talking. Thanks a lot! :)

I write ALOT of poetry and I am told it is very inspiring. I am also told on many occasions that I should submit it to contest to get my poetry published. I feel as if I should not just plublish one if I do decide I want to publish, so how would I go about getting my poetry published and copyrighted?

What is a good book of poetry I should get someone as a gift?
I myself, unfortunately, am not big into poetry but my sister very much is. She likes inspirational, deep meaning type poetry and/or quotes. Does anybody recommend any good authors or complete books of poetry that would be good as a christmas present? Please be specific.

When in rock history where you could start your rock career?
If I can choose which era in rock history so that I could start my rock career, I would have belonged in the British Invasion period of the 1960s when bands such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and The Who gained popularity. Being the John Lennon/Mick Jagger/Roger Daltrey type of leader of the group, I would shape rock history with concept albums, psychedelia, and rebellious music.

What about you? When in rock history where you could start your rock career? Why?

Regarding the questions on the 20 squat challenge. For myself... you need enough rest days in between attempts to fully recover; therefore, I do my attempts on wed and sun of the week. If for some reason I can't hit it on those days, I will still get the two attempts done in a 7 day period. I might be off by a day. For ex I'll do it on Thurs instead of Wed. Lastly, even if a crossfit wod lands on the wed or Sun, I will do that wod in addition to the squat challenge. But because the challenge sucks it out of you, I will usually do the squats first then rest for at least an hr or so before I do the crossfit wod.

Also, this is an old school powerlifting programming. Really to see any growth in strength you have to hit heavy weights for your lifts at least twice a week. If you are only doing it once a month, you are not going to see big increases. If you just google the squat challenge you will find lots of information on it.

So far, for myself, I have seen lots of strength increase.

Hi, I'm Tim from Australia. Long-time reader and first-time poster.. Thanks for all your hard work Freddy - love checking to see what wisdom you're ready to impart each day!

Just wondering, is the 20 squat program including regular crossfit workouts on the off days? Or are you only working out twice a week?

I got my log book today too!! Ready to get my log on (well, continue it in my new, cool book anyway)!

See ya'll at the lake!!

20 rep squats are awesome. Is the regular program really twice a week with linear progression though? That seems like insane volume to me and a high risk of CNS fatigue. Most people that I know that have done 20rep squat programs do max once per week, some as low as once per month (when they get to really heavy weights like 2x+ BW).

I just got my OW workout log book in the mail. It's bad ass!

How about a SORE AS F**K shirt...

HA! You did Fran in your dream!!! LOL!!! You go Lancaster! ;0)

...and yes, I think it's normal, at least I hope it is...otherwise I am REALLY unnormal!

That was a brutal WOD...

Nice squats, Settie!

Is it normal when you start having Crossfit workout dreams?

I did the workout Fran in my dream... Damn Thrusters

Looking good Settie!!!!

Just when my hands were starting to heal...

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